Small in size but a giant performance: Circus FahrAwaY is a circus for all ages that blends artistry and craft. Our stories perform somersaults and you might catch a glimpse of a dream balancing across tightropes. And of course there is live music. Come see us open-air or in a tent, in cities and villages, on farms and all over Europe. In 2019, we were awarded a prize in the category “Nouveau Cirque” by the canton Baselland for our “unique charm”.
Once upon a time, when it all began, there was a summer adventure: Solvejg Weyeneth, Valentin Steinemann, Donath Weyeneth, Nina Wey und Jonas Egli got the ball rolling in spring 2010. Ever since, year after year, we take our tractors and wagons and plenty of heart, soul and effort on the road. We started out performing strictly in the open air, but since 2015 we have a tent to call our own and are able to perform all year round.
Every production is the product of living, rehearsing and working together. Besides classic circus disciplines, autodidactic curiosity and simple means have always been our most important ingredients. From our carefully restored wagons to our instruments – it’s all self-made. We build, paint, sew, organize, clean and repair – even in front of our audience. Join us on our next tour!